Thursday, April 14, 2005

Call for Papers

This is our last call (tonight) for submissions for consideration for inclusion in next Monday's Blawg Review, to be hosted here. (Any submission containing a longer string of conjunctions than the previous sentence is guaranteed inclusion.) The boys at Blawg Review do all the work -- just click here and you're halfway home, homey.

"But Mr. Coleman, how does it work, this Blawg Review? Please explain -- we're not the kind of people who were exactly threatened with journal editorships while in law school, you know." Yes, yes. I know. I know very well. But that is the past. Blogs -- blogs, my dear ones, are the future. Come, take a look at the virtual blawg journal with me!...

We'll collate the submissions 'round midnight on Saturday, distribute the articles to our nationwide network of albino-toned 2L's spread out throughout the law libraries of the 20 top 10 law schools to do all the cite checking, get the galleys to our faculty advisor, Professor Reynolds, by 9 AM Sunday and then deliver them -- reviewed, revised and remarkable -- to everyone's advisor, Professor Leiter, to correct all the punctuation and spelling and return it by courier pigeon to my New Jersey redoubt by 3 PM that day.

Through Sunday evening the pace only quickens, along with the excitement and my heart rate, unless I remember my pills. We then remove all the footnotes, arbitrarily transpose paragraphs from one entry to the next, give the text to an expert analyst to tighten up the HTML, stop for supper, spend an hour and a half looking for the floppy, put the kids to bed and just copy last week's Blawg Review. I mean, seriously, whom are we kidding here?

Remember: When it comes to journal work, it's an honor just to be nominated! Now send in those links!

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