Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Welcome, Blogads clickers

I'm stuck in a monthlong marketing campaign on Blogads. The rates are really favorable but the diminishing returns are sick-making. So having "spent" the money (well, pledged it -- do you think Amex reads blogs?), we may as well drive some traffic to here, the law firm's new blog.

I have joked that the wheels are about to come off the blogging wagon -- blogs are now so cool I'm afraid they're no longer cool at all. If everyone has one, who wants one? But as a phenomenon of communication, in the sense of information exchange, they are not going away. What's good (for me) is that the legal issues of blogging aren't going away either. They will only increase. Not everyone is interested in more communication -- not if it's a threat to their franchise. That means people will attempt to utilize (or no less likely abuse) the law and the courts in order to compete unfairly. And that's something we have demonstrated we can do something about. (And sometimes we can't, even if down the line courts acknowledge, well, maybe we were right....) One of the reasons I left my my old firm two years ago and founded this office was so that I could spend more time working the leading edge of Internet-related law. I'm happy that we're succeeding, at least somewhat.

We also do house closings. Baby steps, man, baby steps. At least our real estate associate is a blogger.

Anyway, a number of bloggers whose names you must know (I like the sound of that) are banding together to form the Media Bloggers Association. More associations means more lawsuits! It's all good.

UPDATE: A reader asked me about the old firm, Gibney Anthony & Flaherty, in New York. It was a warm, friendly breakup. We are still friends, still work together, and I am still on their letterhead as "counsel." See? Look. So don't get upset.

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