Thursday, June 02, 2005

Enviro-Fascism in New Jersey: The New McCain Doctrine?

Drudge links to this AP story about a guy who bought a billboard, and may buy more, slamming New Jersey environmental regulators for preventing him from completing a development project. The billboard says, "Welcome to New Jersey. A horrible place to do business." "Money quote": "'At some point, we'll have to consider action against him,' [Environmental Protection chief Bradley] Campbell said, implying a potential legal fight."

WHAT? Has the FEC chipped off some of its expression-regulation power to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection now? It's not an entirely irrelevant question, because the news stories indicate that the businessman in question is feeling out governor-in-waiting Senator John Corzine about the issue. And it's not like it's Internet speech, so let the prior restraining begin!

I didn't call Mr. Campbell and ask for a clarification or explanation, which is what I would do if I were acting as a journalist here. I am not; I am only commenting on what appears to be an outrageous statement by an agency head. I'm confident someone from the intrepid New Jersey press corps will hunt this one down and scream bloody murder -- or get a clarification from DEP.

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