Monday, May 02, 2005

Exactly Wrong on Free Speech for New Media

Via the permalink-less Kausfiles, a link to excerpts from (and suckup commentary about) remarks by CNN suit Jonathan Klein espousing the self-parodic, anti-democratic, anti-free-speech, and, yes, darn it, bad-for-the-children "MSM" concept that, well, alright, maybe we will let new kids play in our sandbox, as long as we can still decide who gets the secret decoder rings:

When the Jeff Gannon bomb exploded in the White House press room, where was the White House Correspondents' Association? ... I have a modest proposal for the White House Correspondents Association, whose annual black-tie gala I eagerly await next week: cancel the gala, and instead spend that time and energy creating standards--and enforcing them--for those who would call themselves White House correspondents.

Sheesh. The "Jeff Gannon bomb exploded"? How about the Helen Thomas bomb? Or is that okay 'cuz she's a freedom fighter?

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